Our Citizenship Is In Heaven
We understand that God is the Creator of all, no matter the circumstances of which we are born. That is, none of us choose how we are born, to what race we are born, where we are born, Et. Al. But there is one choice that we all can make and will make. God has given each of us the opportunity to choose whether we want to become citizens of Heaven! We choose to live for God or to decline. We encourage you to choose the path through which you have a citizenship in Heaven. God teaches that He created us so that He might have many children in the qualities of Jesus (Rom. 8:29). We want to fulfill His dream. That is our goal.
What Is Our Work?
We are about the Harvest For God (John 4:35). Jesus taught that there were two great commandments. The first, is that we are to love the Lord, our God. The second is that we are to love our neighbor as our self (John 13:34). Teaching others about God is the greatest love we can give a neighbor.